What does the start-to-finish process look like for teams?
Watch a demonstration of our Founder (Danny Postma) walking through a typical Team account: What does the entire process look like for your Team Leader? Purchase a Team package Choose the clothing/background styles your team is allowed to use Invite your team members to join via email, or join URL And from the perspective of each employee/team member? Team member accepts the invite sent to their email (Few readersWhat bulk discounts are available for teams?
Your company could save thousands of dollars and hours of time using HeadshotPro. The more people you bring onboard your Team account, the more money you save: 10% discount for 10+ team members 15% discount for 25+ team members 20% discount for 50+ team members 25% discount for 100+ team members 30% discount for 250+ team members 40% discount for 500+ team members 50% discount for 1,000+ team members No matter how many people you bring with your to HeadshotPro, each Team aFew readers